I offered to leave my message on the person's voicemail to which the receptionist flatly told me "we don't use voicemail."
As a consultant to small businesses, it was hard for me to resist the urge to find out why.
"Why is that?" I asked curiously.
"We find it impersonal. And we just don't use it."
Her frankness floored me. I just couldn't fathom how a small business in today's environment could be so shortsighted.
I understand the fact that voicemails can be impersonal. Sure, we all would rather talk to a live person. But if the appropriate person is not available, why make things more difficult for your customer? Now the burden is on me to chase down the person I need.
Things must be going swimmingly at this business if they expect customers to chase them. What a luxury!
I couldn't hide my disappointment with the receptionist. I wasn't rude, but I pressed for more information.
"You really don't use voicemail?" I asked.
"No, we don't." the receptionist stated.
"Well, you may not want to use it, but your customers might." I responded.
I broke the awkward pause with, "so thanks for your help. I will try back tomorrow."
I hung up incredulous. What business can really afford to make it more difficult for their customers?
Business basics: make it easy to do business with you. This maybe one of the easiest and most successful ways to add value and it should be part of your Marketing DNA.
Move your business to the next level by ensuring your customers don't have to chase you.
Then again, if your business can afford to make life more difficult for your customers, maybe the next level is not for you.
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