A whole heck of a lot, that's what.
In fact, I encourage my clients to think like tweeters even if they are not using Twitter. Limiting your marketing message to the core basics will get you to think like a savvy marketer.
In the marketing world, less is more. The less you need to state, the more powerful the messages.
Just as Nike, Google, Jiffy Lube or any other business you can think of that communicates their core message briefly and succinctly. Efficiency is very effective.
Remember, a marketing message does not need to communicate anything and everything about the business. It simply needs to move the audience through the next level of the Sales Funnel and advance prospective consumers through the Buyer Decision-Making process.
So when you are creating your next marketing piece, think like a tweeter and truly limit your message. Dig down into the core of what you want your audience to do.
Communicate the essence--and nothing more--and you can move your business to the next level.
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