You want knock out marketing. In fact, you need knock out marketing. Okay marketing just doesn’t cut it nowadays. With so many messages and so much competition, your wasting marketing dollars if your collateral is just okay.
So how to you go from okay marketing to knock out marketing? Here are three ways:
1) Simplify Your Message: less is always more. Always. Marketers constantly struggle with optimizing their message. It’s both art and science. But the struggle should never be solved by adding more messages. Instead, take away messages. Cut to the core of what you want your audience to comprehend. Stick with one key, consistent message. You can always change your message if it doesn’t work. But don’t try and fit a bunch of messages into one space. Knock out your marketing with one swift blow.
2) Provide a Specific Call to Action: the reason a lot of marketing is just okay is that there is no call to action. If you don’t have a specific call to action in your marketing then there is no knock out punch. Focus messages on the specific actions that you want your audience to perform. If you want people to stop by your store, then state “visit.” If you want people to call, then state “call.” Unless you push someone to do something, they won’t do it.
3) Focus on Benefits, Not Features: sell the sizzle, not the steak. Right? Hair loss products are my favorite example of this. They rarely sell the features of their product and instead focus on the benefits. Dude swimming in the pool, surrounded by beautiful women…that’s what sells! Not the price, or the color. These are features. Learn from hair loss advertisements: if you want knock out marketing, then focus on the benefits.
Move your business to the next level with knock out marketing. Okay marketing is just, you guessed it, okay. You don’t want okay. You need knock outs. Your small business may depend on it.
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